
One of these little piglets will be Mike Jr.  We aren’t sure which one but in a few weeks he will be at his new home at Lane and Kelcy’s.   He will reside there for an undetermined amount of time in which he will be fed, nourished, fed and nourished more.  Mike Jr. will then find his way to our freezer one day and we will dine on his fatness.  Farmer Kelcy has the know how and the desire and we will provide the feed and scraps.  I’d say we are coming out the lucky ones.  

The G’s

These two always crack me up.  The first picture is Gwendolyn looking over wondering why this moment was picture worthy.  The second picture is them getting right back at their favorite thing – eating dessert.  Notice the intense positioning of their faces, their focused moves on getting that peach crisp directly into their mouths and right then they don’t have any problems if photos are taken – it is time for dessert and this is really good!

Rummaging Happily

There was a frenzy of activity as the girls rummaged through Grandma Johnson’s jewelry.  Some of the little girls went home with baggies of colorful beads and jewels.  Rhea took her old charm bracelet with all the places she visited.  Back then we all had charm bracelets and they were a  big deal.  Kelcy snagged some earrings and a few other things.  Micah took a few things and later on I found my Mum’s diamond ring and her birthstone ring which Micah also inherited.  The rings are all quite small.  The sapphire was always my favorite one –  it is so brilliant.   Kyla politely declined any jewelry.    I never did or could wear jewelry like my Mum did – it was a little too flamboyant and I am very simple.

Dreamy Day

The stars must have aligned just right.  I went to the airport to pick up Mike, we decided to stop at Toyota to test drive a car, we found out it was sold,  we found out Toyota Rav4’s are extremely difficult to get, we were told they were the one number one selling vehicle in the United States, we checked their inventory and all those en route were already sold,  we found one on their screen that they said was sold, we patiently waited and found it was a hybrid and was NOT sold, we made a quick decision and a few hours later it was all mine.  Love those stars.  I now have a 2024 Toyota Rav4 Hybrid which lovingly gives me forty-one miles to the gallon.

Back In The Day

When family members tend to age or pass away we receive back cherished gifts we once bestowed to them.  One such gem was in the box of my mother’s things and I was aghast and in sheer terror at the looks of the binder I filled with our family’s photos.   What was I thinking?  The color, the material and the cross stitched hoop in the center and the ribbon, oh my was that all in style back then??  I sure hope so.  Nonetheless I am now the owner of this beauty and I’m just not sure what I will do with it. 


Didn’t Know We Were Southern People

When we were in Alabama Lars took us to a restaurant that he loves.  It is called Walton’s Southern Table and it is in Huntsville.  I was thinking it was just a “good food” place but when I saw the menu I realized that dang, we do some southern cooking right here at home.  For sides they had “sweet potato crunch” and “strawberry pretzel” and “broccoli salad.”  Those are three of our favorite dishes we love to eat.  Dinner was amazing.   With sides like that and chicken fried steak with white gravy I can see why Walton’s will be on my list for future visits.

The Lenox Store

My one wish when Mary Jo left her house in Arizona was the Lenox, Tennessee gas station print on her wall.  My wish was granted but the picture travelled from Arizona to Alabama where it was wrapped and ready for me to bring back here.  The gas station was owned and run by Grandpa Styers’ brother Uncle Foot and I have been privy to many stories about that store.  It now hangs on our wall downstairs and each time I walk out the door I revisit the family landmark.  In the pictures below is the print and then an actual photo of the store with Mary Jo standing in the front.

The Hand

Don’t look if you don’t want to.  Today I had my hand unwrapped, stitches out and x-rays done.  It all looked good.  The small piece of bone taken from my wrist was added to the bone already there and Dr. Laudermilch added a plate and some screws.  I should be stable and strong.  Now I have six weeks of physical therapy and then my followup appointment where I’m hoping we part ways once and for all.  He is an extremely kind and caring doctor and I appreciate all his efforts with my fingers.  Such a long run.

Boxes Inside The Door

Came home to find two large boxes that Lane had brought inside the door.  They were some of my mother’s artwork that the kids have wanted.  I had one piece that I really wanted to have.    It was a sketch of a cowboy drinking from a mug.  My friend Roslyn Ogzewella had done it when we were in college.  I had bought it from her – who knows how I could have afforded the measly amount of money I’m sure it cost but I gave it to my mum as a gift – either birthday or Christmas.   Now it hangs above my desk for all to see and Ovi lovingly sets the scene by curling up in her basket below the art.


A Monster Of An Airport

When I arrived at the Dallas airport enroute from Birmingham, Alabama to Anchorage, Alaska I was quickly made aware of some big differences from what I am used to at airports.  I am in no way trashing this beautiful facility which housed me for about eight hours but dang it was cold in that building.  I went to find my gate and stood below the big lit up panels showing all the departures and arrivals for about ten minutes just waiting for my flight to show up.  There had to have been thousands of flights.  Also the signs showing the bathrooms are labeled “toilets” – hmmm – haven’t seen that before.  Then, go figure there was a 7-11 in the airport terminal.  Such a nostalgic moment!!!  Yup there were differences all right and that is ok but as I inched my frozen popsicle body to the gate labeled “Anchorage” I was happy to say goodbye Dallas.